Living with Life-Limiting Illness
Matthews House Hospice is here to enhance your quality of life and support you through your entire journey with a life-limiting or life-threatening illness from diagnosis. We understand that each individual will have a unique experience and deserves individualized support and care.

It is never too early to engage with our programs. The earlier you connect with our programs, the more educated, empowered, supported, and connected you will feel.
Individual Support:
  • Offer individual counselling and education on coping strategies
  • Help you navigate and provide support to access community resources and services
  • Have advance care planning discussions to assist with goals of care, and planning conversations with family and loved ones
  • Case management advocacy support and education on illness and health
  • Complementary and wellness therapies (Meditation, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Art, Wellness Drumming)
  • Social Work services
  • Spiritual Care
Group Support:
  • Offer support groups to meet with others facing similar challenges
  • Social programs for you to connect with others in an inclusive and welcoming space (Book Club, Men’s Group, Friday Social)
Education & Workshops:
  • Workshops and education sessions on illness education, coping strategies, advance care planning
Visit our Program Calendar to see upcoming programs and workshops
Interested in learning more about our support programs and services?
Contact us to speak with a Care Coordinator or Hospice Counsellor.
contact us
Ready to learn more about our residence?
View our residence page to learn more about our amenities, services, and accommodations.
the residence
Are you looking to stay at home for your palliative care and end of life care journey?
View our Hospice@Home services.
Let's walk the journey together.
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